Charity Activity: Wuzhong Vision


Life has never been easy

There are always some setbacks in life

The process may be difficult

But as long as we work hand in hand

Go through together

Overcame many difficulties

Will definitely step into life

Begining with Ms. Qiu's story

"I'm afraid that I can't see, my family's economy is not good, and my child is still young and needs my care. What can I do?"

In the ward of Suzhou University Ideal Ophthalmological Hospital, Ms. Qiu was nervous about the operation to begin.

Ms. Qiu, a 36-year-old woman from Muyang, used to work as a jeans processor in a factory. She has a lovely daughter, and although the family is not wealthy, they lived in a peaceful and full life. Because of the bad working environment, coupled with my own physical weakness, from last year, Ms. Qiu's eyes began to become painful from time to time.

At first, Ms. Qiu didn't care. She thought that as long as she paid attention to rest, she could recover after a period of time. Unexpectedly, gradually, the problem of the eyes became more and more serious: a white spot appeared on the eyeball.

Ms. Qiu's vision began to become more and more blurred, and there was a reappearance of what she saw. When walking on stairs, it is very dangerous to fall when stepping on empty space. The work of garment factories needs needle lead, because the eyes can't see clearly, it often affects the work if the needle is not inserted.

Since the decline of her eyesight, Ms. Qiu feels that life is inconvenient everywhere. She seeks medical treatment everywhere to cure her eyes quickly.

When she arrived at the big hospital in Nanjing, the doctor told her that the situation was much more complicated than she had expected. She is not suffering from common eye diseases, but from viral keratitis. If she wants to be treated, she needs to change her cornea.

Ms. Qiu was stunned. Corneal transplantation needed to wait for suitable donors. It was unknown when the hospital would have corneas. The most important thing is that the cost of corneal replacement is very high, which is not affordable for her family... Ms. Qiu is in pain and confusion, and her family is also looking at it and eager to do so.

It's hard not to give up hope as a mother. 

Ms. Qiu is a mother. She has always been responsible for raising children and taking care of the family. If there is a physical problem, then not only can not take care of the family, but also need the care of the family, become a burden on the family.

Although the way to seek medical treatment is very difficult, Ms. Qiu and her family have not given up hope. We hold the wish that Ms. Qiu should regain her vision and make continuous efforts for this goal.

Coincidentally, during an exchange with her patients, Ms. Qiu learned that there was a public welfare organization designed to help those who could not complete the keratoplasty due to their family difficulties. She learned that the public welfare organization was called 'See The Wuzhong', a public welfare fund. She felt that her eyes were hopeful.

So Ms. Qiu contacted Wu Zhong with excitement. The staff of the Foundation also got to know her situation at the first time and arranged for corneal transplantation.

Sometimes despair and hope are only a glimmer apart.

On August 20, volunteers from the charity fund visited Ms. Qiu in the inpatient department of Suzhou Univerisity Ideal Ophthalmological Hospital.

"Thank you very much. I don't know what to say..." When she saw the volunteers, Ms. Qiu kept expressing her gratitude for See The Wuzhong.

In the face of the upcoming operation, Ms. Qiu is both nervous and excited. Volunteers comforted her, relaxed her, and encouraged her to face it bravely. Accompanied by volunteers and her husband and daughter, Ms. Qiu gradually calmed down and successfully accepted the operation that brought hope to her life.

There is no reason not to believe that after experiencing illness and difficulties, Ms. Qiu's family will surely live a better life.

In the future, she will open up the fragrance of her own life, because there is hope, brightness and more expectations.



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